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Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Have you ever asked God to change some people in your life but the more you pray or hope of their transformation the more they remain the same? Sometimes the solution to your problem is your attitude and perception and not necessarily the people. You are, sometimes, the prayer point you need to focus on in order to see the change you desire in others.

A story is told of a woman who moved into a new neighborhood. Frequently she would stand by her bedroom window facing her neighbour’s laundry drying area. From the very onset she would gossip of her neighbours “poor” washing skills to her husband arguing that the clothes were not clean. Her husband was just listening to her without commenting. One day, as usual this woman went to the window. To her surprise, she saw clean clothes in the neighbour’s drying area. She went to tell her husband of the change she had seen.

She couldn’t hide her amusement and stressed that she suspected someone had done the laundry on behalf of the neighbour. The husband then explained to her that she was able to see the clothes that way because he had cleaned out their bedroom windows which had been dirty for a while. Nothing had changed on the clothes but rather the windows or lens she was using to make such wrong conclusions that the neighbour had “poor” washing skills when in reality it was her dirty windows which were a problem.

The story above is a true reflection of the attitude most of us have. We are too quick to judge people without looking at our own contribution to the problem. We have sometimes even gone into prayer and fasting asking God to change people and get frustrated when they don’t. It might not be the case all the time but sometimes it is very important to do a self-check to see if we are not the toxic people we need to let go of. We need to take an external stand and analyse the issue with a sober mind and through that we might be able to have a clear view of the issue at hand. Sometimes it is the window or lens through which you are seeing things that need to get fixed or cleaned.

Matthew 7:5 says, first get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye,” So as you continue to pray for God to change some people in your life, have you checked for any possible logs in your eyes? Before you give up on people and give them some negative labels let us first check if our lens are clean enough to give us a clear view of them. Maybe, just maybe that would help us in fighting the true enemy and live a graceful life which we were called to

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